April 2013 Moms

Soooo maybe it's gas?

At least that's what I am being told. Paige goes down around 9 after eating a full bottle, 5ozs. usually up around 2 to eat another full bottle then usually not up again till 5-530... Lately she will get up around 1 to eat, again at 3 to eat and squirm and stir the rest of the night. Doc seems to think she eats plenty durning the day that sometimes they confuse gas with hunger... That she shouldn't be up eating that much. So he wants me to give her gas drops after every bottle. Has anyone done this or been thru this? Thoughts/ opinions? And if you have used gas drops, do you give it to them afterwards or will you mix it in their bottle?

Re: Soooo maybe it's gas?

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    We EBF here so no bottle at bedtime. We've been doing the gas drops for a month or two now. Used to only do at bedtime and maybe first thing in the morning, but now it is at almost every feed. Sometimes I give it to him before he eats, if he isn't starving yet and I anticipate him falling asleep while eating. If he is 'starving' but I anticipate him falling asleep while nursing then I pause the nurse session to give him his drops and then continue nursing. Otherwise I usually give them to him after if he is being fussy. If we were bottle feeding him on a regular basis, I would just mix it in with his bottle; so much easier that way.

    Gas drops have made such a difference, so GL! Hope it helps you out!
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    One of my best friends, who has three under three and therefore has kind of seen it all, said the same thing to me the other day when I was desperately trying to figure out what was going on with LO -- she said "they often confuse gas with hunger," so now hearing that your doc also said that, I'm betting she heard that from HER doc.

    I have been giving LO gas drops on occasion basically since Wk 2 -- I've never put them in a bottle before, I just give them with the dropper.  I'm not really sure if they work or if they just make me feel better, but they certainly don't HURT.

    The desire to eat at both 1 and 3 when she's taking 5 oz per serving makes me think that it must be gas or (learn from my mistakes) diaper rash.  Or just baby weirdness. 

    Good luck... I'd definitely try the gas drops!


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