Baby Names

Boy name trouble

Tsargent1229Tsargent1229 member
edited July 2013 in Baby Names
I'm 20 weeks and my husband and I are having difficulty picking a boys name. We want something strong sounding and unique to go with our last name Sargent. I really like Axton but I'm worried that it sounds made up vs. unique. Its hard to pick a name that won't be too conmon but still not have your future child taunted for their name! Thoughts/suggestions? Thanks for your help!

(Also the middle name we are very set on is Jace if that helps)

Re: Boy name trouble

  • katagskatags member
    I'd prefer Paxton to Axton.
    Dax, Archer, Dexter, Zander, Waylon, Riker
    photo e2fe0839-b11a-41d8-8a07-1ef481a55d67_zpsda9c0f6f.jpg photo 777c55cb-e377-4070-950b-fdeda172a809_zpscd40251a.jpg IMG_15901 photo IMG_15901.jpg
  • I like Archer and Zander, thanks for the ideas!

    With Archer all I can think about is the adult animated tv series though lol
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  • Not real big on Axton.

    Ranger, Major, Hunter, Hawk, Dutch, Duke, Ace, Cole, Clint, Maximus, John
  • mj.reilly said:

    I think Axton is pretty bad, honestly. Axton Sargent sounds kind of...ridiculous.

    Suggestions: Archer, Felix, Duncan, Ellis, Fletcher, Everett, Warren, Lucian, Ronan, Alastair, Louis, Jasper, Rory, Dexter, Morris, Hugo, Lawson, Hayes, Spencer, Arlo, Walker, Riley, Bram, Quincy

    (...and lol at Paxton being "classic.)

    Haha yeah... I was definitely afraid of it sounding ridiculous but family and friends won't give honest opinions a lot of the time. Your suggestions are great, definitely going to add a few to the list!

  • Our friends named their son Brixton if you are looking for other -xton names.
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  • I really dislike Axton.  What is it about the name that you like for other suggestions?
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  • Yeah it is pretty out there... I think it's the sharper sounds that I like and the two syllable length.
  • Carson jace Sargent
  • Ooh I like Carson, thanks!
  • Not loving Axton.  Some suggestions:














  • Thanks, I think I'll add Lincoln to the list
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