April 2013 Moms

Holy diaper rash.

It is so bad.  SO so bad.  And every time he goes to the bathroom (which is frequently, because he has a virus), he SCREAMS BLOODY MURDER.  The only thing that seems to help is if I put him in a baking soda bath ,and then let him roll around nekkid to air out.  He is BRIGHT red down there.  I feel horrible.  He is obviously so uncomfortable.  The doc told me to mix equal parts desitin purple, hydrocortisone, and clortrimazole, no wipes, and change him frequently... but putting ANYTHING on his butt makes him just scream in misery. 

Oh, it has been such a long long day. I finally got him down for a nap, or rather he shrieked himself exhausted in my arms and I moved him to crib.  Seems like the swing makes him uncomfortable.  He started off on such a good note this morning, and then we just went downhill all day.

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Re: Holy diaper rash.

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    What about diapers changes with plain water rinse only, butt in sink style!? No wipes, no creams, pat dry and air dry. Poor baby it sounds awful! GL and yes have a drink tonight!
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    my baby had really bad diaper rash...it was white and blistered:(  I tried everything and then started using Earth Mama Angel Baby Bottom Balm.  It worked like a charm.  Cleared up the diaper rash in a few days and I have used it everyday since...nothing has come back.
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    leasajleasaj member
    My LO had diaper rash for over 8 wks. We tried about 4 different prescription creams. What you are doing now is what helped us. Also, gave our LO probiotic to help with the poppy diapers (that's why hers wasn't getting better). We also found that she had thrush which also made it worse. Breaks your heart. Hope your LO feels better soon.
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    love4blove4b member
    Have you tried coconut oil? And maybe some diaper free time on a weewee pad? Poor little guy!
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    Poor baby! As much diaper-free-time he can get is probably best....which you're doing
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    So, if you baby has open raw sores you can buy a barrier cream called Ilex. It is not a diaper cream per say but a wound healing cream. This will go on your baby and dry clear but will not come off unless you use a warm washcloth. It allows the skin to heal underneath it. Do some research and ask your pedi about it. Also, clotrimazole is great.
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    My DS had horrible rashes until we switched to cloth diapers. It got so much better right away! If that's not an option for you, like pp said, dry it out as much as possible, and probiotics might help too.
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    Thanks all -- yeah, we've already nixed the diaper wipes, because the alcohol stings him too bad.  We just use a wet wash cloth or peri bottle in the sink.  No open sores, just raw red.  The daycare and my SIL both told us to ask the doc for something called Poop Goop, which is prescription, but she won't prescribe it unless he's bleeding (I googled it and it has steroids in it, which is why, but geez, give the kid a break -- he has to break skin to get it!?). 

    We are mixing clortrimizole with hydrocortisone and diaper rash cream, which is what the doc told me to do... he seems a TEENY bit better today, but not a ton.  He's airing out again. 

    It was a rough night.  This sucks.
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    That happened to Paige around week 3- and I felt like crap because I couldn't figure out why she was insanely screaming! It's was raw and bloody, major fail on my part. I just put a thick layer of destin on and it def was better by the next day, kept a thick coat on till it healed. Doc told me to not use wipes unless diaper is dirty, and I use cream anytime I use a wipe now and thank God we haven't had a rash since! Hang in there, I have been there and it was awful... Hoping little man feels better and you get a margerita!
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    jss1482 said:
    That happened to Paige around week 3- and I felt like crap because I couldn't figure out why she was insanely screaming! It's was raw and bloody, major fail on my part. I just put a thick layer of destin on and it def was better by the next day, kept a thick coat on till it healed. Doc told me to not use wipes unless diaper is dirty, and I use cream anytime I use a wipe now and thank God we haven't had a rash since! Hang in there, I have been there and it was awful... Hoping little man feels better and you get a margerita!
    I am insanely jealous that yours was better overnight . Ours, definitely is not, but I am hopeful for tomorrow!
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    Aquaphor works wonders!!!
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    My LOs diaper rash wasn't nearly as bad as what you are describing, but we used breast milk! Sounds a little goofy, yes, but it worked wonders! I kept one bottle in the fridge strictly for his hiney, and when he needed it, we dipped a clean wash cloth in the milk and patted it on his bum. Good luck!
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    My LOs diaper rash wasn't nearly as bad as what you are describing, but we used breast milk! Sounds a little goofy, yes, but it worked wonders! I kept one bottle in the fridge strictly for his hiney, and when he needed it, we dipped a clean wash cloth in the milk and patted it on his bum. Good luck!
    Yes, I've heard that is a miracle cure, but unfortunately I'm no longer nursing and I burned through my freezer stash a little quicker than I expected. :-(  I have high hopes for the Poop Goop that the doc just prescribed (has to be custom made at a compounding pharmacy).
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    We just fought a yeast diaper rash which needed a prescription to heal. If you're battling something for longer than a week, its a good bet that you should see the pediatrician. Good luck!

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    skidderdo said:
    What about diapers changes with plain water rinse only, butt in sink style!? No wipes, no creams, pat dry and air dry. Poor baby it sounds awful! GL and yes have a drink tonight!

    I agree with this, although OP it seems like you have everything under control! Our DS basically has permanent diaper rash, and I have discovered that baby wipes suck. We have a ton that I am trying to use, so I rinse them out with water before using them. I don't understand why something used on a baby's skin multiple times a day is so full of harsh ingredients.


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    skidderdo said:
    What about diapers changes with plain water rinse only, butt in sink style!? No wipes, no creams, pat dry and air dry. Poor baby it sounds awful! GL and yes have a drink tonight!

    I agree with this, although OP it seems like you have everything under control! Our DS basically has permanent diaper rash, and I have discovered that baby wipes suck. We have a ton that I am trying to use, so I rinse them out with water before using them. I don't understand why something used on a baby's skin multiple times a day is so full of harsh ingredients.

    That's a good idea about rinsing them with water.  We're using wash cloths right now, which obviously aren't disposable, which is what is so nice about wipes.

    He's getting a couple of sits baths with baking soda each day.  I hope tomorrow is better.  Yesterday and today were one of the most challenging, so far, of parenting.  He's just so miserable and screaming.  There were more smiles (from everybody) today. 


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