Two Under 2

Room Sharing

So, we will have 2 under 2 in October, both girls. Right now we are thinking that the baby will start in our room and then move to our toddler's room later. Here are our questions:
At what ages did your kids start sharing a room?
How did you prep the older child for the change?
When did you set the room up to be shared?
We were thinking about adding the second crib before the baby comes just so our toddler can get used to it being in the room without it being associated with the new baby immediately, in case she is less than thrilled about the new baby. Thoughts?
Also, did the age at which you put both kids in the same room have anything to do with their sleep patterns? Like, did you wait until the baby was sleeping through the night?

Re: Room Sharing

  • LC122 said:

    At what ages did your kids start sharing a room?
    -- DS was just over 2, DD was just over 1... In preparation for number three who is due before DS turns 3.

    How did you prep the older child for the change?
    -- We asked if he wanted to sleep in a big boy bed in His sister's room... To our amazement, he was crazy for the idea and begged to be moved every day until we bought the bed!

    When did you set the room up to be shared?
    -- We bought the new bed, he moved in that night. I moved his clothes in a few weeks later when we were sure he was happy and wouldn't get upset sharing the closet.

    We were thinking about adding the second crib before the baby comes just so our toddler can get used to it being in the room without it being associated with the new baby immediately, in case she is less than thrilled about the new baby. Thoughts?
    -- our situation is didferent obviously because the kids slept separately for a year and thr move was inpreparation for number three... But FWIW, we explained from the first day that DS's old crib would be for the new baby and left it in DS's 'old' room. He was never upset by the idea.

    Also, did the age at which you put both kids in the same room have anything to do with their sleep patterns? Like, did you wait until the baby was sleeping through the night?
    -- So this was why we didn't put them together sooner... DS has been a great sleeper since he was about 14 months old, while DD was a terrible sleeper!! However, when we moved them in together, she stopped waking up in the night altogether!! Also now they are on the same schedule (nap and nighttime), but that only started happening a couple months after they started room sharing. At first DD had two naps still and went to bed earlier.

    All in all it has been an amazingly successful change in our house!

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  •  At what ages did your kids start sharing a room? Mine were 3yo and 21 months when we moved them in together.
    How did you prep the older child for the change? We just talked about how they would share and reminded them they would still have to go to sleep nicely and follow all the bedtime rules.
    When did you set the room up to be shared? The same day we moved them in together.
     We were thinking about adding the second crib before the baby comes just so our toddler can get used to it being in the room without it being associated with the new baby immediately, in case she is less than thrilled about the new baby. Thoughts? We didn't get a second crib. When we moved DD2 to DD1's room was also the same time we moved DD2 to a toddler bed. The crib got left in the nursery.
    Also, did the age at which you put both kids in the same room have anything to do with their sleep patterns? Like, did you wait until the baby was sleeping through the night? We talked about the girls sharing a room for a while now, and when DD2 started climbing out of the crib we decided to just make the move to toddler bed and shared room all at once. It went really smoothly for both of them. DD2 tends to be a more restless sleeper, but DD1 usually sleeps through all of it.

    Mama to two sweet girls
    DD1 Feb 2010
    DD2 Sept 2011

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