TTC after 35

Checking in on Sunni01.......

Hi Ms. Sunni,

I have just been thinking about you......How are you doing?  I hope well.  I just wanted to check in on you, since it has been a while and you were on my mind.  Nothing happening around here, except we are in the process of buying a home on the lake.  It is beautiful.  Can't wait to get in and start decorating.......

Just know that you are always on my mind and when, I read your post this afternoon.  I giggled, because I have been having lots of pain on my left ovary side and I am thinking that I have a cyst, too! to go to the doctor soon..... ;)  Thanks for reminding me!  I hope that yours goes away soon, as mine, so we can get back to baby-making!  :)  

Any ways.....I just wanted to say, 'Hi' and hope that you are doing well.  Take care!  J

Lilypie Trying to Conceive 15 to 80 day cycle tickers

Re: Checking in on Sunni01.......

  • Thanks Jacque for checking on me. I had to clear my head of everything that had happened. And then while waiting for AF, she came a week late because of her friend Ms. Cyst.  After I had left my doctors appointment,  I had gone there after work, I was up over 24 hours, so nothing registered until the evening. Come to find out she had also put me on birth control pills for 2 weeks. All I can say now is, Uuuuuuuggghhh what else can happen. Well now this morning, I got a phone call from the OB out of nowhere, to do a hysteroscope. =; Why?
    BabyFetus Ticker

    Me-39, HSG 2/13- clear. DS-IUI #1-3/13,300iu Menopur 12 days,3 days Cetrotide, Ovidrel Trigger-BFN. IUI #2 06/13, BFP EDD: 02/22/14 m/c (cp), IUI #3- BFP EDD: 5/17/14 m/c 09/13. Blood work/RPL panel- nk cell/MTHFR mutation- negative. Blood work all good. Unexplained reason for m/c. IUI #4 BFP m/c (cp) 10/13. IUI #5- 12/13 Cancelled. No response. (1)follicle. IUI #5.1- 2/14. IVF Bound

    ********************SAIF/ PAIF/ ALL ARE WELCOME***********************
  • Yes, in order!  Sending Big Hugs your way.  I know how frustrating this all can be.  Just try to hang in there.....Do you have a date to do this procedure and remove Ms. Cyst?  I hope it goes quickly for you, so that you may go back to TTC to get that little one!  ;)   Take care and hope that you will be able to relax and get some rest......Take care.  ;)
    Lilypie Trying to Conceive 15 to 80 day cycle tickers
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  • On birth control pill for 2 weeks to hopefully get rid of cyst. I go for hysteroscopy on Thursday. All I can say is, COME ON, REALLY! What Next?

    I am sorry. I forgot to ask about the house by the lake. I hope it is beautiful and as peaceful i am imagining. How have you been? I always look forward to reading your posts because it puts so many things in perspective for me. I thank you for that.

    BabyFetus Ticker

    Me-39, HSG 2/13- clear. DS-IUI #1-3/13,300iu Menopur 12 days,3 days Cetrotide, Ovidrel Trigger-BFN. IUI #2 06/13, BFP EDD: 02/22/14 m/c (cp), IUI #3- BFP EDD: 5/17/14 m/c 09/13. Blood work/RPL panel- nk cell/MTHFR mutation- negative. Blood work all good. Unexplained reason for m/c. IUI #4 BFP m/c (cp) 10/13. IUI #5- 12/13 Cancelled. No response. (1)follicle. IUI #5.1- 2/14. IVF Bound

    ********************SAIF/ PAIF/ ALL ARE WELCOME***********************
  • I know, when it appears to rain, it starts to pour.........but, just remember to breath and know that this test and finding this cyst will provide you some of the answers that you are needing to understand and overcome this IF stuff.  I know it is hard to see the bright side now, but in due time, these tests and such will start to paint a picture of what is going on with you.  By the way, has your husband taking any tests, like a SA?

    Well, you hang in there and know that I am here for you........

    Take care!  ;)   

    Lilypie Trying to Conceive 15 to 80 day cycle tickers
  • Thanks Jacque. As I am here for you...
    BabyFetus Ticker

    Me-39, HSG 2/13- clear. DS-IUI #1-3/13,300iu Menopur 12 days,3 days Cetrotide, Ovidrel Trigger-BFN. IUI #2 06/13, BFP EDD: 02/22/14 m/c (cp), IUI #3- BFP EDD: 5/17/14 m/c 09/13. Blood work/RPL panel- nk cell/MTHFR mutation- negative. Blood work all good. Unexplained reason for m/c. IUI #4 BFP m/c (cp) 10/13. IUI #5- 12/13 Cancelled. No response. (1)follicle. IUI #5.1- 2/14. IVF Bound

    ********************SAIF/ PAIF/ ALL ARE WELCOME***********************
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