March 2013 Moms

STM or more..

So.. what were you nervous about adding another child to your family? Did it become a legitimate concern once baby was born or no?

I was nervous about what DS1 was going to do while DS2 nursed.
---In the beginning it was a nightmare a DS1 was 21 months when DS2 was born.. It was as if anytime I sat down to nurse DS1 he took free reign of everything: in and out of cupboards, up and down the stairs, in and out of rooms, etc. This has died down - I don't know if it was the novelty of being able to do it or that he his now 4 months older.

I was nervous about jealousy issues.
--has never really been an issue except for in the middle of the night when DS1 wants to be held/snuggled by me and I'm nursing DS2.

I was nervous about bedtime as they share the same room.
-- We had DS2 in our room in the RNP for a little while, but I moved him into the livingroom after about a month, because I would be up all night with DS2 grunting in there. Our routine now that has been working for a couple months now.. I get both boys ready for bed. We all pile into DS1's twin bed with some books. I read one or two books while nursing DS2. I then burp DS2 while reading another book. DS2 goes into his crib (always awake). I wind up the mobile. He rolls onto his side and goes to sleep without fussing. LOVE IT!! Both boys at some point in the night wake up at least once crying and NEVER wake up the other!

DS1 -6/25/11

DS2 -3/23/13

Missed MC D&C 8/26/14

DD - 8/26/15

LO#4 due 5/30/17

Re: STM or more..

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