Cloth Diapering

Talk to me about doublers...

DS is 6 months old and until recently has been sleeping through the night.  When he wakes up, his diaper is saturated, we're using Osocozy Betterfit prefolds pinned with a Snappi and a thirsties cover.  This combination has worked fine for him in the past.  To add to the confusion, we just got back from vacation where we were in a timezone 2 hours ahead of home.  I'm not sure if his sleep issues are strictly due to the diapers, or if he's still trying to get back into his normal routine.  I do know that I miss him sleeping through the night!  I was thinking of trying a doubler, but I'm not sure how they would work with prefolds?  Do I just fold one inside the prefold and then snappi it as usual?  I've tried pocket diapers at night when he was littler, but always wound up with leaks...maybe it's time to try them again now that he's bigger?  Any advice would be much appreciated! TIA

Re: Talk to me about doublers...

  • I do what you described!  If my fitteds are all dirty/in the wash when bed time comes, I put DD in a gmd red edge with a hemp doubler and sometimes a bamboo one.  I just lay both in the prefold, fold down the back to the appropriate rise and snappi.  I also use a disana wool soaker at night.  LOVE.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I've got a really small bamboo prefold that I was thinking about folding inside of a prefold.  It's okay if the bamboo touches his skin right?  I know microfiber shouldn't touch the skin but wasn't sure about bamboo.
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  • You are a-ok with bamboo. Microfiber is the only thing that shouldn't touch LOs skin.
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    BabyFruit Ticker

    BFP #1: 10-25-11, MC: 11-1-11 @ 5w5d
     BFP#2: 12-29-11, DS born September 2012
    TFAS: July 2014, BFP#3: 12-29-14
    , EDD 9-9-15

  • i've read that bamboo is amazingly soft and absorbent! check out the alva brand and the reviews on amazon. i also heard that it might be helpful to explore other brands and styles as your LO grows and changes shape and wetting habits...
  • Aren't the betterfit prefolds made for trifolding? Or am I thinking of a different kind?
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • lbonga1 said:
    Aren't the betterfit prefolds made for trifolding? Or am I thinking of a different kind?
    Yes, I trifold and then snappi.  I've never had luck with just laying them in the cover.
  • msjanet02 said:
    i've read that bamboo is amazingly soft and absorbent! check out the alva brand and the reviews on amazon. i also heard that it might be helpful to explore other brands and styles as your LO grows and changes shape and wetting habits...
    Thanks for the advice...we're currently exploring the options available.
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