Working Moms

How to break up with my daycare

My 5 month old twins have been in DC for about a month now, but I am seriously considering switching within the next month or two. I just toured another daycare less than 10 minutes away from their current one, slightly less expensive, that I liked better.

Their current DC is not horrible, I have no major grievances, but it just feels a bit too relaxed and disorganized, the staff are somewhat unprofessional, and the environment just has kind of a dark, depressing feel. I want to maintain a good relationship with the current DC in case I want or need to come back someday. (It is physically located right next door to my job, which is extremely convenient and comforting.)

How do I address it with them that I plan on leaving? Or if they ask why, or where I am going? I don't want to bring up my concerns since I don't feel they are big enough to be worth rocking the boat or burning any bridges. I've thought about just lying and saying my neighbor opened up an in-home daycare or something like that, but I worry they will find out somehow!

I know I have every right to switch, but I just feel guilty because I don't want to offend them, hurt anyone's feelings, or get anyone in trouble.

It is a small daycare and my boys are only 2 of 4 infants right now. There was a set of twins that supposedly pulled out due to financial reasons right before we started, and I was told a few of the staff cried when they left.

Any advice?
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Re: How to break up with my daycare

  • I just told our DCP that we weren't coming back after summer. She asked some questions but at that point we didn't know where we were going yet so I didn't have any answers. If someone asks just say that the other place is cheaper so you decided to switch. No need to go further into your reasoning.
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  • Just make sure to look at your contract and do it according to what you agreed to. Many places require at least a 30 day written notice.  I think that's it. They may ask you why or for your opinion...but you aren't obligated to give it. They may just want it to see where they can improve, although it seems they're fine...and I'm sure htey'd like to hear that as well. I'm sure they'll understand the location is a good fit.  They're a business and go through this.

    The teachers love the kids...but you have to do what's right for you.  They'll be okay.

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  • My LO is starting a new DC the first week of August.  I checked the requirements for the current DC as far as notice went and just told them that we would be leaving at the end of the month (finally got into a place we'd been on the waitlist for for over a year).  They were bummed (they love my LO) and did ask why (which I didn't appreciate).  I just told them we were moving.  They don't need to know the reason if you don't want to tell them.
  • I would just give them the generic statement that you appreciate their hard work and time but you discussed the other opportunity with DH and it will work out better for you. You don't need to give them any specific reasons...
  • I'd check the contract for whatever notice you need, mine requires 2 weeks, and then just tell them you have no major complaints but want to try a different place.  I think it's harder when there's no major issue to point to, and hopefully they don't push the questions.

  • Just rip off the bandaid!

    You have been there such a short time it is doubtful the teachers have formed a strong emotional attachment to your child so don't worry about them crying.

    Talk to the director and just explain that you found an opening in a place that is closer to home and based on the convenience factor you want to give that center a try.  Compliment her and her teachers (I'm sure you can find some thing nice to say?) to help lighten the message.  And thank her and her staff for looking after your child.

    I know how hard it is.  *I* cried when I told the asistant direct at DD's daycare that we were switching.  For us it came down to style of education and we want to try montessori.  DD's teacher cried too. A lot more than I did!  It is is hard on all of us but they will move on and DD will be fine.  I'll survive the transition too.  New relationships will be built.  ANd I am hoping that I can keep in touch with her teachers because they are great people and DD loves them.  And I just plain like having good people in my lfie!

    I do think you should both give one reason and say something complimentary.  They are people, after all.  I think in business we too often treat people like comodities and that isn't good for our society.

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