So I just realized that on mobile, the post order changes so that the post with the most recent reply goes to the top as opposed to the post that was originally written the most recently. (Does that make sense?) Anyone know how to change that?
BFP #1: 3/4/2011 ~ EDD 11/14/2011 ~ DD Born 10/26/2011
BFP #2: 10/12/2013 ~ EDD 6/23/2014 ~ Natural MC 10/28/2013 @ 6wk
BFP #3: 6/4/2014 ~ EDD 2/13/2015 ~ b-HCG dropped 6/18/2014, Natural MC 6/20/2014 @ 6wk
Re: Post Order?
Edit: apparently my fingers are too fat or my keyboard is too small but the emoticon I originally selected was not appropriate for the situation. #Longestexplationever. #dowelikehashtagsaroundhere?
Lil' P Est. Oct '2011
Here we grow again!
ETA: August 14, 2014