Parenting after 35

Can any one help?

Hi,  I am in the process of weaning my son from the magic sleepsuit and I think it would go well, but he cries so hard when rolls onto his back after sleeping o n his side. He will sleep a few hours at night on his side, does not seem to like to sleep on his tummy, but when he falls onto his back he wakes up hysterical. I normally try to put him back on his side and repeat the process until I give in and put the suit back on. The poor baby is so tired so I use the suit. He is 6months old and no other issues are known, he is a happy little guy. This is my 2nd child my first did not have this problem so I am at a loss. I would keep him in the suit longer since it works but he starts day care in September and will need to be out of it.

Any moms out there with some advice??? I am at a loss and sleep sacks don't work, he hates to have his feet covered.


Thank you!

Re: Can any one help?

  • My daughter had a tough transition out of the suit too and hated sleep sacks, but we ended up doing sleep training before we ditched the suit, so that helped a little because she had already learned how to get herself back to sleep when she woke up. 

    Does he put himself to sleep at the beginning of bedtime, or are you rocking or nursing him to sleep?  Do you go in right away when he wakes up, or give him a chance to fall back asleep on his own?    If he is able to get to sleep on his own in the first place, he should be able to get back to sleep if you let him CIO for a little bit. 

    DD used to wake up crying but would usually get herself back to sleep in about ten minutes, so I learned to just wait out the ten minutes to see if it looked like she was trying to get back to sleep or not, before I went in (obviously, a video monitor helps with this!)

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  • Thank you for responding. What was your method for sleep training? At this point I do rock him to sleep. I know not great but I like the time together and the guilt of taking away the suit I guess :)
    He will sleep on his side but once rolls on back its all over. This is where I am at a loss what to do??

    Thank you
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  • Honestly, I think the problem is that he doesn't know how to get back to sleep when he rolls over and wakes up. We did The Sleep Easy Solution, which is similar to Ferber but the SE book is a much faster read. It is hard at first to listen to them crying, but after a few days for most babies they are getting to sleep with minimal fussing. We tried some of the no cry methods first, but they were a waste of time for us. Good luck with whatever you try.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • Thank you and I think you are right! Will look into this book. Thanks again


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