my turn for a MIL vent...
So, I have a looong history with my hubby's family. They are of South American descent and adhere to a very different set of social norms than I was raised with. I have NO problem with the way they choose to organize their lives. They seem to always have a big problem with the way I organize mine. I have made peace with that but now dealing with her interacting with my and my little one, it's become an issue for me again.
At Christmas when I was around 5 months along MIL loudly informed in front of everyone me that she was going to return all of the newborn clothes she had purchased for our little one because, "Look at you! This is going to be a huge baby!" (For the record my baby was born at 7lbs 7oz and wore NB clothes for 6 weeks!)
At my baby shower, she commented on my eating chocolate cake saying that I was, "being indulgent at the risk of the baby. It is your selfishness that would allow you to eat that sugar when you know it will harm that baby." She brags all the time about raising her kids on fruit alone and no candy. I just want to scream that her son, my husband, can kill a bag of candy or a box of popsicles faster than any human alive and I'm not kidding at all.. I have no intention of feeding my child sugar but I certainly wouldn't brag about only fruit for their whole life.
She is 5 ft tall. I'm almost 6 ft. I look like a giant next to her but in reality I am just tall. Not fat or big or freakish.... just tall. Well this last weekend we go down to visit her. LO is wearing 0-3 month clothes comfortably. She will be in them for another month at least. Well MIL walks in with a beautiful sleeper PJ thing. It is 6-9 month size. She says, "This should fit her now." I say, "Oh wow! Thank you so much, we will have to save this for this winter or spring!" She says, "Oh no, this will fit her very soon because she is going to be very big and tall. Just look at you!"
I know this is my own insecurities bubbling over but come on lady! My baby is perfectly normal. I am perfectly normal. Stop assuming that my baby is a giant!
ugh. vent over.