Hi. My husband works FT 2nd shift and I work PT first shift. I want to keep working after I have our baby, but I'm stumped on what is the best outcome for child care. Both of our mothers don't work and live relatively close (within 15miles). With that being said I'm not sure what to do. I don't expect them to take care of my baby 24/7 and with the distance what will we do if it snows etc. and we can't drive down to their homes. It would be easier to send the baby to daycare part time, but then I worry about my husband. If the baby goes to daycare my husband WILL NEVER SEE THE BABY because of his working hours! Is there anyone in the same situation or with any good advice? Thanks!
Re: What would you do?
What hours exactly do you work and your DH work? What hours does your DH typically sleep?