I'm going to try to attach a file...lets see how this goes. DS has become OBSESSED with trains in the past couple of months. I found this Thomas the train pillow at Target, the other day. It is the 1st stuffed toy DS has played with.
I've never participated in hdbp because I alway bump from my phone and now with the new mobile bump, uploading a pic is easy! Here is DS giving little brother kisses in the hospital (which I guess the pic is a week old)
Help! I can't figure out how to PIP with the new format and when I try to search for it all I get is posts saying "how easy it is to post pictures now." Haha figures.
Eagerly awaiting the arrival of our Rainbow Baby after 2 early m/c.
Re: HDBD...it's been a while
Weird, this post didn't even show up when I logged in yesterday.
Here's my sleepy girl
Trying to get the straw, cracks me up
my read shelf:
Baby Boy #2 is on the way!
DS has become OBSESSED with trains in the past couple of months. I found this Thomas the train pillow at Target, the other day. It is the 1st stuffed toy DS has played with.
Baby Boy #2 is on the way!
Loving the hat! DS won't wear a hat to save his life.
Makes me sad that our Nov. '11 babies are totally not babies now. They look like little kids!
Baby Boy #2 is on the way!
Baby Boy #2 is on the way!
Baby Boy #2 is on the way!
I have no idea, with this new format, how to post a picture. I tried the picture icon, it says to enter the URL.
Is this new format not compatible with Photobucket?
And what happened to my siggy pic and timeline?