Food Allergy

FPIES Moms out there?

I'm not positive but it seems DD is having some fpies reactions as we have started solids.  My question is do you see an allergist, a pediatric gastro dr or just your regular pediatrician?

Thank you! 
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Re: FPIES Moms out there?

  • My daughter has FPIES to milk protein and my son (her twin) had it to soy (outgrown!). We see a pediatric allergist. Our pediatrician and a general allergist did not know much about FPIES.They do food hospitalized food challenges under the supervision of the pediatric allergist.

    My son did see a GI for reflux, but not specifically for FPIES (although we weren't totally aware of the FPIES at the time).

    Good luck!!

  • It can be really hard dealing with FPIES.  You should check for a doctor that is familiar with it.  There is a list available on the foundation website.  We went to a pediatric GI doctor and he was unfamiliar with it, so he brushed it off.  We are still trying to get the official diagnosis, but we will have to travel about 3 hours to the nearest provider unfortunately.  Trying to just manage it at home, but we now have 5 foods she has reacted to, in addition to her egg allergy and MSPI.  If you care to talk more, feel free to PM me!
    DD 11/1/12
    DS 7/16/14
    DD Free from FPIES triggers as of 18 months! 
    Sweet potato, avocado, banana, mango, oats, wheat & rice outgrown.
    Dairy, soy, and peanut allergies outgrown! Allergic to eggs.
    DS MSPI, egg allergy
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  • Kittery16....I was just wondering are you in Maine? (I ask because of the name). We are in Massachusetts, and we have had a great experience with Boston Children's Hospital (Allergy & Immunology Dept).  They also have satellite locations North of the city.
  • I agree check out the website listed above to find a dr near you. We were lucky to have our pedi suspect it, Our GI confirm it, and now waiting for official diagnosis at our pediatric allergy appointment at the end of the month. We already had a GI because of reflux and suspected MSPI. Now we know the MSPI is fpies...We are currently fpies to diary, soy, rice, squash, and sweet potatoes. There are a couple of good fpies support groups on facebook just search fpies!
    Baby is fpies to diary, soy, rice, squash, and sweet potatoes.

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