Hi Ladies,
I figured you all would be the most reliable source of experience based knowledge, so that's why I am here. First, I know newly pregnant women have a tendency to feel that they are pregnant with multiples. I wasn't like that the first time around, but now I am having the 'what if it's twins' paranoia.
I am only a little over 5 weeks, but a week or maybe even 2 weeks prior to my missed period I had pregnancy symptoms. I took multiple tests because I just 'knew' I was pregnant and sure enough 2 days before my missed period I got the BFP. That was all fine and well as we had been trying to get pregnant, but now I have this overwhelming, nagging feeling that there are two beans in my belly. My symptoms aren't too overwhelming, pretty typical really, except for the fact that I am BEYOND bloated and I've had very intense round ligament and lower back pain. I am also more exhausted than the last time around at this point. I think it's just the size of my belly right now and the heightened round ligament pain that I didn't get with DS until 2nd or 3rd trimester that is making me think twice. Anyone else feel the same way when they were pregnant with twins?
Thanks ladies. And, I hope you are all doing wonderful!