Food Allergy

Can't figure out what's causing this diaper rash...

As soon as I think I've pinpointed the issue, something else gives my lo a bulls eye diaper rash. I am not eating any citrus/tomato but I am eating berries and stone fruit, could that be too acidic? The last time he had a bullseye diaper rash was from coconut milk so I know it could be anything, but does anyone have any insight as to something I'm eating that could be causing this, or something you know causes this in your lo? I have basically eliminated all of the top allergens except for peanuts (which is next to give up), some fish and gluten free oats periodically. An update from one of my last posts, I chickened out and decided not to trial soy, I trialed chickpeas instead and we failed.
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Re: Can't figure out what's causing this diaper rash...

  • How old is your LO?
    I am sorry to say that even with eliminating top 8 allergens, all citrus/acidic foods, and a zillion other things, my DD still had terrible diarrhea and a horrendous diaper rash that would not go away.  (And she was colicky and never slept.) At 4 months, I switched her to elemental formula; within a week or so her diaper rash was gone completely, never to return.  Colic lasted until 5-6 months, diarrhea continued until around 9 months, but no rash.
    The happy ending is that she is tolerating everything now (although per GI advice we are waiting until 18 months to try dairy, and she's had very little soy, really just soy lecithin).
    DS born 8/8/09 and DD born 6/12/12.
  • you can have diaper rash if from constantly wiping him w/ baby wipes.  After you wipe him w/ baby wipes, take a clean washcloth and pat it dry and then use A&D, that worked for us.

    my daughter was having diarrhia so she got a diaper rash from all the wiping. this worked for us.

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