Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Question for SAHMs

My son is 4.5 months old. I am a SAHM and am wondering what you girls due to stimulate your baby all day? Do you have a routine for play time? TIA
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Re: Question for SAHMs

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    No routine, we play with toys. For this age ones that make noises or crinkle when touched and are contrasting colors are stimulating. She's also content just in my arms as I walk around and do different things. Going for walks, and lots of verbal communication.
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    Not a stay at home mom however my MIL follows the schedule i made for her and i follow it when i am home (well as much as you can! :) .. the activities are as follows:

    Activities<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    Stretches-   Start with this.

    ·       Stretch his arms and legs in different ways

    ·       bicycle legs

    ·       narrate everything you do


    Tummy Time – at least 15 minutes a day

    ·       Use Joe (stuffed octopus that he loves!) to encourage him to bring his head up.

    ·       Use boppy pillow, whale pillow, or frog (tummy time pillow) to help him. He can also lay on a flat surface

    ·       Naked baby tummy time- use a towel under him.



    Play mat or laying on his back

    ·       encourage him to grab items dangled in front of him

    ·       dangle keys or joe on his side to encourage him to roll over

    ·       show him how to roll over and back


    Dance and Sing

    ·       dance around with him to the music

    ·       lay him on his back or sit him in his boppy pillow and move his arms and legs in tune with the music.

    ·       Sing along with the music and show him how to make the sounds

    ·       Sing nursery Rhymes with him and show him movements that he can mimic. Itsy bitsy spider, paddy cake ect..


    Walk around and look at different things (both inside and outside)

    ·       Walk around with him and show him different things, point to something or hold it up to him and say what it is. Show him how to make the sound with his mouth

    ·       Show him simple words with movements that he can try to imitate. Example nodding head for yes, shaking his head for no. waving for hello and goodbye, hand to mouth for bottle 

    ·       Show him shiny things smooth things rough things let him see and feel them

    ·       If things have a smell let him smell them like flowers or sweet food items soaps ect..

    ·       Play with bubbles outside encourage him to watch them and use his hand to pop them.

    Ball play

    ·       While sitting  up or on his tummy roll the ball to him and show him how to kick or roll it back


    By the time we get through the list he is ready for the B's as i call it:

    Bottle, Burp, Book, Bed

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    wow! What a schedule. Great ideas in there. I haven't thought about walking around and showing him things and have him touch different textures. Most everything else we were doing. He already can roll belly to back and back to belly. Very impressed with your structured play time. That's what I want to do. I am afraid he may not be getting the developmental stimulation he would get at a daycare. Is that crazy? My DH thinks I worry too much.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    We kind of have a schedule of our day (just got thrown off thanks to vacation...) .Our days usually look like this

    wake up

    mat time/tummy time. This is when she's most likely to be ok playing by herself so I let her get as much time on her tummy/back as possible


    run errands/ go somewhere. I try and get her out of the house so she can see things and I don't go stir crazy


    we go outside if the weather is nice and sit under some shade, or go for a walk. if it's too hot, we do mat time, reading stories, singing songs, or go visit family

    short cat nap

    dads home, he gets face time. family walk, play time with dad,  then bath bottle and bed.

    BabyFetus Ticker Little Riley-our first little girl coming March 1st, 2013 (or sometime around there;)
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    I really think having outdoor time is important. He had a lot of outdoor time during our vacation and when we are at the family lake house. He always sleeps great at the lake house and slept great on our vacation. I need to be better about that when we are home. Thanks ladies for the insight!
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    =Lee=B=Lee=B member

    We don't have a structured routine but on days that we stay home she goes in the jolly jumper once or twice for 20-30 min.  She goes in the exersaucer once or twice for 20-30 min.  Has naked tummy time once or twice.  She sits in high chair with my husband while he has breakfast.  She sits in high chair while my husband and I have supper.

    She is only awake for 1.5hr max between naps and with feeds and diapers there isn't too much time left.

    I go hang out with mommy friends 1-2 afternoons a week. We go swimming once or twice a month.

    In September we are signed up for swim lessons once a week and music class once a week.  My 2 mommy friends with babies the same ages are signed up in the same classes so we'll hang out before or after.

    I am big believer in having kids learn to self entertain, my daughter is more than happy to entertain herself on the toy mat or veg out on the couch beside me.  I think this will be one of the most important things I can foster in her at this time.  As much as my husband and I spend a lot of time engaging her each day we understand how important it is for children to have unstructured free time to entertain themselves.


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    We do a lot of the previously mentioned activities, but we also go to quite a few groups. For example, there's a breastfeeding support group at the hospital on Wednesdays, and even though I don't need support feeding, we support each other in many other ways as moms, I've actually grown quite friendly with some moms there. At our county library the have baby book time, they read books, sing songs and put out toys and instruments for some of the older babies, DS loves to listen to the stories and songs, he also loves to watch big kids play. And finally, the town I live in has a moms of Medford group, you might try googling moms of (your town). Again, babies and kids of all ages. They meet once a month. It's just really nice to have other adults to talk to and I think it's important to socialize my son with other babies.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I worry too that LO isn't getting enough stimulation, but she has been getting bored quicker lately, so she reminds me to entertain her and keep her busy with her complaints! I wish we could go outside more but it's so hot and humid in south Florida, and she gets overheated quickly. I don't have a particular order that I do activities, I just kind of go with the flow. Carrying her around the house to look at things is a big hit with my LO. She also loves looking at picture books and watching me when I talk or read to her. I like playing music and swaying her to it so she can eventually learn how to keep a beat. I'm into music and hope I can share that same interest with her.
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    We do a lot of outdoor time. She looooves touching plants and looking at bugs. We also bought a little baby pool and splash around. She loves her Kick N Play piano. I actually do chores with her too. When I put laundry away, I lay her on the bed with me and let her roll around in the warm clothes. She likes to feel all the textures. I also try to let her play independently a bit. At almost 6 months, she's getting better at 10-30 minute stretches. I do think that's important as well. We sing songs before nap time. Schedule/routine

    wake up 7ish
    • nurse
    • breakfast with mommy/play in exersaucer
    • practice sitting and standing on playmat with mommy
    • play under kick/play piano while I clean the kitchen
    • get ready for nap time 840ish

    Nap- 845-930/1015 

    nurse and cuddles
    play in exersaucer or kick/play piano for 10-15 minutes independently
    go on a walk/run errands/play with neighbor babies/go to mom's group

    1130(ish) Lunch w/ mommy/try a new solid/out to lunch 

    practice sitting and standing and rolling- throw toys around the room
    dance party :) find the kitty (she just realized the cat exists)
    peekaboo (this is a new development!) 
    do some chores around the house (gets her into other rooms, she love folding laundry w/ me...)
    nurse/get ready for nap time around 1:00ish

    Nap 100ish to 2:30/3:00ish

    roll around on our bed 
    play in the baby pool (not everyday)
    another walk if we're antsy
    peekaboo, singing (she's really into The Ants Are Marching....), dance party w/ mommy

    She may take a cat nap somewhere between 3-645, like 20 minutes
    5:00- solid meal- cereal mixed w/ veg/fruit
    DADDY'S HOME!!!! The real fun then begins...
    I start dinner and he plays with her. 
    Nurse while dinner is cooking
    We always go on a family walk after dinner...even if it's only 10 minutes. 

    Start bedtime routine around 640, bed by 7:15. 

    I hesitate to call this a's more like a routine. 

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