
OB rec for twins

Can anyone recommend a great OB for multiples in the south Florida area? Having a hard time finding one I feel as comfortable with as I do my RE... Much appreciated!!

Re: OB rec for twins

  • saracksarack member
    did you ask your re? maybe they could give you a rec for one..

    i'm having a similar issue in washington state. :( i've been with my ob/gyn for a long time, and i've had apprehensions but i just stuck with it. now i'm 32 weeks tomorrow and i'm wishing i would have found some one else. :( 
    BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker we're having twins!
  • If you are a member of a twin club- ask there.- if not you can contact the local club and if they are anything like my club- they will give you referrals.
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