
New to this: when did you stop work?


Just been pondering when I need to stop working?! Given I'm having twins I am assuming I'll be bigger far more quickly. I work in hospitality and am only doing two days, however I do 20 hours in those two days... So when do I stop work?! It's all so difficult to plan with two!!! :)

Re: New to this: when did you stop work?

  • It all depends and is different for everyone. I was put on limited activity 2 weeks ago so stopped working at 34 weeks. I know some work up until the end. Talk with your OB about it. Mine has been really supportive.
  • I'm planning to work until the bitter end. I'm at 32 weeks, and I work 3rd shift 40 hours a week.

    Really, unless my doctor puts me on bed rest I will be saving my time off to spend with my twins... 
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  • Be sure to listen to your body too. If your body says, enough, get some rest,definitely listen. Gotta let the babies grow as long as possible. I can understand wanting to save your time to be with the babies though.
  • yeah. I didn't qualify for FMLA so I use my PTO (4 weeks) then I have to apply for short term leave (2 weeks. But longer if doctor orders it)
    Eat your food people. You are pregnant, not made of glass. ~PrimRoseMama
    The Benes Boys were born 9/3/13! woooo
  • Thank you all! It's difficult to know, as its 10-12 hours on my feet. So I guess I'll just have to play it by ear or feet rather!
  • I just reduced my hours to 32 starting today and I'm 35 weeks.  Otherwise I plan on working up until the end b/c like pp I don't want to use my maternity leave before I have the girls.  Of course I've been extremely lucky so far to not have any complications that would make me stop work early.  Unfortunately some women do and you just don't know until you get farther along.  

    Good luck!  

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  • I had been planning to work until the end, but I already worked just part time (3 days / week). However, I hit the wall during week 36 and knew deep down that if I wanted to go full term, I needed to be resting at home. You'll know what's right for you.
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  • My OB said from the beginning I would probably need to come out of work around 30-32 weeks. However, I had PTL issues at 22 weeks and was taken out of work then.
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  • I stopped work (under my obs advice) at 24 weeks. I am an RN who works 12 hr day and night shifts, so running around all day and night just wouldn't have worked!
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