I haven't done a post in months so I'll start with quick background info on myself and health. I was diagnosed with PCOS about 10 years ago (about age 11). Recently I was also diagnosed with Lupus, Hypothyroidism and Pre-Diabetes (Yeah that's quite a bit). So far I've only been on The Pill, Metformin and Levothyroxine.
On to my situation/question:
I am finally about to come off of The Pill after pretty much 9 straight years of non-stop use. This was a decision that I made after considering my health goals. My mother isn't too happy but she doesn't have much to worry about. I am in the first week of my last pack and hope to get into some healthier habits this Fall. I am hoping that along with diet and exercise, the Metformin will help me to finally ovulate. I also hope that this will show some fertility hope for me since I worry often about my fertility. My question is: for those with PCOS who stopped taking The Pill, how did things go menstrual cycle wise and TTC wise? I know every woman is different but it would be nice to hear some stories. For those who were never on The Pill, I would like to hear your story also.