As in he got in his car and drove 3 miles down the road to get ice cream because "I wanted ice cream and they didn't feel like coming with." I am just dumbfounded that he would be so stupid. I work pm shifts so he is home with the girls while I am at work. I am seriously questioning his judgement right now and whether my kids are safe with him. I lit into him once he admitted to it. DD1 told me about it and apparently it happened a couple months ago. Apparently he thought they would be perfectly safe sitting in front of the TV. He was gone for 10 minutes. I get sick to my stomach every time I think about it. I don't know what to do. Initially when I confronted him, he shut down, then he turned it around on me and was mad at me that I confronted him when the kids were in the next room watching TV-I'm pretty sure they were more focused on the cartoon then our conversation and honestly I was so appalled that I didn't even pay attention to that. I figured DD1 was exaggerating and that DH would never do something so stupid. Tonight I confronted him again because I don't feel very reassured about their safety when I go to work tomorrow night. He finally acknowledged how stupid it was and that he would never do it again....I still can't wrap my brain around the stupidity. I felt like I had to go over basic safety with him to which he rolled his eyes stating "I'm not an idiot." He certainly acted like one though. Am I overreacting?