
Since it's slow: baby shower opinions

I'm planning one for my friend.  Answer what you would prefer if it were your shower...

Do you think the shower should be geared more towards the mommy-to-be or the baby in way of theme, decor, etc.?

Gender specific or gender neutral?  She says they are going to find out the sex but not tell anyone...I don't think she'll be able to keep it a secret. :o)  So I'm comtemplating what I should do.

Would you rather have it at the hostesses home (ie my house) or at a restaurant or even a room in a hotel or other public place?  My house would be kind of cramped, but I could make it work.  Although I kind of like the idea of having it somewhere else because it may be easier to decorate.  Not sure.

Would you like games?  Even ones that involve no work, but you still get a prize.  Like set the timer when she's opening gifts and whoever's gift is being opened gets a prize?

What's the best day of the week and time?  Saturday?  Sunday?  Morning?  Afternoon?

Re: Since it's slow: baby shower opinions

  • 1. Geared towards baby

    2. Gender Neutral unless she spills well before hand

    3. Either is fine. I really prefer that it just be less for the hostess so if they can afford to have it out because it will be easier on them, then have it out, or if they want to keep it simple but don't mind the organization of making/ordering food, cleaning their house, etc. that is fine too.

    4. I like games but only if it's just girls. Baby Bingo is always my favorite.

    5. Saturday lunchtime is my preference.

    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • I think alot of that depends on how old your friend is.  I was older, and preferred it be geared toward more adult theme.  Since dd's room was all sea life, mine was a good combo.

    I preferred gender specific.  But...I had the first girl in my family in 9 children, so I would have never been able to keep that a secret.

    Much easier at a hall, or best of all her house.  That way she doesn't have to haul everything back.

    I hate shower games with a passion.

    Both my bridal and baby showers were Sunday Brunch...around 11.  People seemed to like it, since they still had time for other things.

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  • 1.  Geared towards baby.

    2.  I say go gender neutral if they don't want people to know

    3.  I think they are more personal held at home, but I do think they are fancier at a restaurant/hotel, and that is less work for you since the cleaning and cooking will be done.

    4.  I like a few games.  Bingo is always pretty easy and not to much work involved.

    5.  I think Sunday afternoons (like 2pm) are good.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • 1.) Towards baby

    2.) Gender neutral (even if she told you the sex, not sure if she'd want everyone else to know too?)

    3.) It's always nice to have it at someone else's house because you aren't worried about getting out in a certain amount of time.  However, I had my wedding gift opening in the breakfast room of a hotel, which was very nice.  We had it for the whole afternoon & could bring in our own decorations & food. 

    4.) I love games & getting prizes! I love baby bingo as well. 

    5.) It would be cool to have a brunch at the shower.  Either day of the weekend. 

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • i say geared towards baby.

    looks like you may not have a choice on gender specific versus neutral. i like specific just because there's so much more to get if you know the gender!

     i prefer in the hostesses home, just because it's more relaxed and informal, and cheaper for the person throwing it.

     i don't mind games. don't love them either. it seems like most people like/expect at least one or two games and it's an activity to do. a really easy one that you can participate in as much or as little as you want is the clothespin game where everyone starts with one clothespin and everytime someone says "baby" or whatever, you can take all of their clothespins. person with the most at the end wins.


    probably prefer saturday, sundays are fine too as long as you dont have lots of church/religious conflicts (my bff is mormon so i'm sensitive to that), and i prefer early afternoon, but there's no time that would really bother me.

  • Geared towards the baby - I'm assuming you are talking about gifts and such.  I do think it is nice to include some pampering type of stuff for the Mom though, some nursing PJ's if she is planning on nursing though.

    Gender neutral unless she has made a big annooucement to everyone before you send out the shower invites.

    I think that could go either way and really would do whatever is going to most comfortable for everyone.  If people are going to be really crammed in your house, go with a restuarant.

    I hate shower games period and think they are the worst thing anyone ever invented for a shower.  They are needed and I know a lot of my friends think they are just a waste of time.  If you want to give out prizes, just make them favors for everyone.

     Day and time really depend on who your guests are.  Weekends are best but time of day depends on who you are inviting.  For me, with 2 small kids, something in the early afternoon (lunch time is best) as then I don't miss the whole day with my kids who nap after lunch for a few hours.

    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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