I was just wondering what their twins/triplets birth weights were? I won't be buying any outfits yet, but I was trying to get an idea. I think when we do buy a couple of things they should be the "newborn" size? It says 5-8lbs and I was wondering how quickly they grow out of that size?
Thanks again!!!!
Melissa ?
Re: Birth weights????
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
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5.15 & 6.9
they were out of newborn stuff quickly.
they wear 9 month clothes already at only 6 months!
Born at 35 weeks, my fraternal twin boys weighed 5.12 and 3.12
They were 19 1/4 inches long and 16 3/4 inches long
pretty much the same for my boys!
fraternal twins are usually a bit bigger than ID twins at birth due to more growth issue possibilites in utero.?
My twins were 5 lb. 11 oz. (18. 5 in long) and 6 lb. 2 oz (19.5 in long) born at 33 w 4d! BIG babies, especially for their gestational age. I'm not sure what size they wore when they were born, but when they came home at 8 weeks, they were already wearing 3-6 mos... mostly bc of their length though.