I am just curious. I am sad and feeling terribly guilty about it, but I think it may be getting close to time to wean. I was really hoping to get the boys through the winter and make it to at least Feb but not even sure we will make it that far at this point. I have had a clogged duct in at least one side every other day for the last two weeks. My supply seems to be dropping and I really need some sleep. One DS is STTN and the other is still getting up once. I still wake in the middle of the night to pump (it is the only way that I can keep up with their demands) but I just don't know how much longer I can do it. I have also been on an exclusion diet for so long now and would love to eat regular foods. I feel selfish and am not sure I will start weaning, but these are all the thoughts going through my head.
Plus I am curious (right now I am 10lbs below my pre pg weight). So...
Re: POLL: when you stopped BFing did you lose weight, gain, or no change?
I slowly gained weight over the course of about a year, back to my pre pregnant weight. At my lowest I was probably 10 lbs below pre pregnancy weight.I always seem to level off around the same number...