
1st PP AF question (especially post-BFing)

I started weaning DD about a month ago.  I had hoped to make it to a year but was having trouble keeping up my supply because sometimes I just didn't have the time to pump at work.  I also noticed that nights when I gave DD formula before bed, she STTN.

So, AF arrived on Christmas Day (Merry Christmas!) after a 17 month haitus between being pg and nursing.  I started feeling nauseous Christmas Eve and have been so ever since.  I can't stand the smell of food let alone eating even though AF is nearly gone.  I've never had nausea like this before with AF.  It actually feels like m/s.  I've actually lost a few lbs. because of it.

This is awful.  Anyone feel like this during/after their first PP AF? 

Re: 1st PP AF question (especially post-BFing)

  • My 1st PP AF came on Christmas day too... lovely Christmas present.

    ?Mine has just been super light (same thing with first DD). ?You might have a bug... I had EXACTLY what you are describing for a whole week prior to AF, but I think I was sick. ?A lot of people are coming down with the flu around here... maybe the 2 are unrelated.


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