DD has really fine hair but it gets totally crazy in the back. We have been using California baby, but it just doesn't seem to tame it at all. What do you use?
DD's hair is very fine also and I just started using Aveda Shampure shampoo and conditioner on her and it gets really nice and not knotty at all. She also smells awesome!
I use Johnson's No More Tangles shampoo for curly hair on her. I then use the No More Tangles leave-in conditioner as well as the spray. She has super-fine, wavy/curly hair that gets really snarled and frizzy after naps and such. Adult products weigh it down, though, and I'm worried about it getting into their eyes. They like to rub the shampoo in themselves and have rubbed their eyes after many times!
Evelyn-Mommy to Ben 9.20.05 and Emily 5.14.07 and Callie 7.10.09!
Re: What shampoo/conditioner/leav-in do you use for your DC?