
How long did stomach virus last?

If your dc has had it that is. ?I spent 6:00 pm christmas to 7: am the next morning with dd throwing up every 20-30 sleep at all. ?Friday she only threw up a few times... she only threw up every couple of hours. Yesterday morning only once, but then diarrhea started and is still going. ?I m so tired of cleaning up vomit and messy pants...especially since i am sick as well. ?Is the end near??

Re: How long did stomach virus last?

  • Depends on the virus. ?We've had several bouts of stomach virus in the past few months. ?A couple lasted only a few hours, but at one point my then 9-month-old had a stomach virus that lasted 10 days. ?His big brother caught the same virus and was finished with it in only a couple of days. ?I was so sick of cleaning up bodily fluids. ?

    Sorry your dd isn't feeling well.?


  • hi,

    I was just about to post this. My 2 year old had it for a day and a half a week ago.

    My 9 month old DD threw up Christmas eve day and has had diarrhea, vomitting (2x a day) ever since (5 days). She is soooo lethargic too. I took her to the dr. yesterday and he said just keep her hydrated and wait it out.  I have read it can last 10 days but I am starting to worry something more is wrong because I have never had a baby sick this long.

    I was wondering if anyone else has a DC as young as 9 months who has been through this and has any advice???

    Good luck to you....

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