The big thing I'm hoping for this year is a BFP in the 2nd half of the year, after Sep. Nothing else big - we're not moving, or changing jobs. At this point I'm not really sure what trips we'll have either, possibly Disneyland in Oct. What are you hoping for in 2009?
Re: What will 2009 have in store for you?
Its gonna be hectic....Britt is graduating from high school and will be preparing for college...Mandi will have 2 different sports camps that she will be attending in the summer...We have a 2 week vacation in April in Myrtle Beach.
My hopes for 2009 is a much more calmer and relaxing year but I dont foresee that happening lol.
1. a new baby
2. full time SAH (not more pt work for me)
3. a new God baby!
4. a much stricter budget when I am not working. Boo.
1.A new baby
2.A promotion for my husband(not expecting, just hoping!)
3.Moving if/when he gets promoted
4.Declined mental-health due to #1 and #3;)
We have a lot we are hoping for. We want to sell our house and find another one, bigger and on a flat piece of land.
My bro should get engaged, so maybe a family wedding!!!
DH best friend is getting married Apr 29th, so that is a big thing to look forward too.
I am sure there is more, I just can not think of it right now. no baby or anything though.
just to live life to the fullest and enjoy my family each and everyday or at least most days.
I want to take more weekend trips this year also.
I would also love to see the market turn around
Really to just enjoy life with our young family! No moves, job changes, big trips or new babies or anything for the first time in a very long time (hopefully, none intended anyways - pray the economy allows us to stay where we are, and BC keeps our family the same size for the time being - HA!). My big goal is to get back in shape - I just want to get back into all the great clothes I have in my closet!
As of right now it looks like this:
Buying a house before June
TTC during the summer/early fall
DD and I going to NY in July for a family reunion
DD starts Kindergarten in August
Going to NY in December for Christmas & wedding
Oh and we're HOPING to have SIL and MIL come spend the summer with us, but we'll see...
1. a DD in March
2. my sister's wedding in April
3. hopefully, DH will find a job (especially one w/ medical benefits)
4. dream that will never become a reality......becoming a SAHM before school starts up again in Aug.
It'll be a big year for us.
Baby due in April
I graduate in May (as a dentist)
I'll start my first "real" job (lol, at the age of 29)
We'll be moving across the state
Hopefully (but not likely) selling our house here and buying a new one
DD1 will start pre-school
MH will start back to school in a new field
I'd like to take a nice family vacation at some point
It should be an exciting year for us. We are starting off 2009 with a new baby at the end of January!
Other than that, hopefully there will be no big changes. No moving, no job changes.... just enjoying the kids and life!
Baby #2 will be born in the beginning of April.....I am really hoping for a girl.
I will become an aunt again. My sister annouced she was pg, and about 6 weeks along.
Christmas 2011
A new baby boy right at the beginning....a great way to ring in the new year. : )
I see a job change in DH's near future too....I am taking some time off and will go back eventually too....probably in April.
just started being a SAHM and enjoying being broke bc of it;) (learning to budget)
trying for #2 the 2nd half of the year and hopefully a BFP soon following
welcoming friend's new babies:)
looking and hopefully buying a new house in the fall
A great new job, a place of my own, better relationships with some people, a calmer attitude and better emotional & physical health/appearance/weight. I really want to have a girls trip with my best friends from college.
A new house, hopefully sooner rather than later.
Hopefully a BFP
That's about it
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
We will pay off all of our CC debt and hopefully the car by the end of 2009.
I will hopefully be starting school again in August.
2009 will be the year that we get ourselves on track with our budget and school so that 2010 can be the year we buy a house. ?
1. Hopefully a baby on the way or here.
2. Getting DS potty trained.
3. DS going to preschool.
4. Me heading back to work to help pay for preschool.
1) A new baby girl in a few weeks
2) a stricter budget.
3) be more organize
4) less procastination
5) just a better way of life in general.?
1. Losing the baby weight
2. That promotion dh is hoping for
3. Potty training DD
4. Going back to work in Sept
5. Enjoying our new baby and doing more things as a family as the baby gets older
1) paying off cc debt
2) dh and I working on getting along better (acomplishing #1 will drastically help this)
3) hopefully dh will finally get a raise or find a better job
4) hopefully a trip to visit friends in CO toward the begining of the year (depends on how 1 is coming along)
5) dh continuing to take classes and maybe me enroll in some
6) potty training dd
7) hopefully ttc or pg at the end of the year
Not to much. No job changes, moves, more kids, weddings,etc. I guess we're boring! Haha! I do want to get in better shape, lose 10-12 pounds and pay of my credit card, but other than that, not too much.
we are planning to pay off credit cards in the next few weeks
HOORAY! And after that, saving, saving, saving to build up our e-fund and a down payment for a house in TX in 2010. (we are moving after DH finally finishes his degree)
DH starts a new job in February - better pay, closer to home, more control of his hours and what not. Should be good for all of us.
DH has 4 more semesters of school, so end of 2009 will leave him with just ONE MORE semester!
We plan to start TTC #2 at some point this year, but a lot of it depends on DH's new health insurance plan. BOO! ;P I want to start trying early summer, but we may have to put it off a little.
Personal goals- work hard on toning up (I lost weight this year, but am not toned), learn to cook a little more (I am going to start tackling crock pot dishes next) and just be more organized in general.