
anyone have the Safety 1st Hi-def digital monitor?

Does the voice part have a stand-by mode that's baby activated?  Our Sony monitor does not have to have the sound on all the time, we keep it on the option where if the baby makes a noise the sound turns on so we can hear the baby.  I know with the hi-def one the monitor will turn on if the baby makes a noise but I was not sure if the sound is always on.  Thanks
Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08

Re: anyone have the Safety 1st Hi-def digital monitor?

  • I have this monitor.  I love it.  We had a different one and it was kind of staticy and finally died when DD was 2.  This is much better.  My only complaint is that when the power goes out, it beeps and wakes me up, which I guess with an infant would be a good thing, but then you have to go into the baby's room and turn the base back on or the light will flash on the base all night. 

    It is completely silent unless DD is talking or crying.  I have no problem hearing it.  We often put DD to sleep and go sit on our neighbors deck or porch, even with a party going on, I can easily hear her sing and talk clearly.  It also has a good range and no interfearance, which our old one had all the time.  I paid about $50 for it at Target, some of the online prices seem a bit high.  

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