
at hospital on bedrest...

This morning we had a repeat cervical length check because I was 'short' on tuesday - today it was worse 1.5 cm max without pressure and non-existant when I beared down. So they wouldn't let me go home. I was afraid of this... but it is the best place for the babies.

Looks like the hospital will be my home until these boys arrive.

Anyone have any bedrest advice? I'll probably be on here ALL the time now. Any great websites to check out?

Re: at hospital on bedrest...

  • i'm sorry- that sucks! But at least you are getting the care you need.

    i was on bedrest at home for 6w.... it helped to have friends visit me during the day when DH was working .... I organized all my digital photos :) ... read a couple books (but not many b/c reading made me sleepy and i had a hard time sleeping at night so i didn't want to nap during the day).

    the biggest thing for me was to learn to ASK for help - i'm not good at it... but i learned i needed to when i needed help with something, needed a friend to do shopping for me, or just to have someone come over and bring lunch, etc.

    I did a LOT of nesting, that is for sure! :)  And i think i saw every TLC show they made :)

    good luck to you!!

  • Stay away from online shopping :)
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  • I was on bedrest for 13 weeks, 6 of them in the hospital. I had a laptop with me and that helped a ton. I also had my family/friends bring me magazines, puzzle books, dvd's to watch, books to read, etc. I watched tv and spent most of my time online. My mom came to visit almost everyday which was wonderful and my husband stayed almost everynight, especially toward the end. Before you know it, it will be over and you will be home with your beautiful babies. Enjoy the extra rest! Best of luck to you!
  • I am sorry you are on bedrest but you are right about it being the best place to be for your babies. 

    My best piece of advice is to enjoy the relaxing as much as you can, I know you will feel bored and ready to do something but trust me I would give anything to be on bedrest in a quiet hospital room w/uninterrupted sleep.  Catch up on some reading and enjoy lots of daytime television. 


  • Well, at least you're where you are getting great care and don't have to worry about panicked drives to the hospital or that something would happen while you were at home.  I haven't done bedrest and am hoping I don't have to, but I agree with the other ladies that you should enjoy your time "off" while you can because I'm sure you won't get too much of it when you are home with the little ones!  Visit this board, watch some movies or TV series that you've missed (Netflix would be great if you don't already have it), have people visit, etc.  Knowing that you are doing the best thing for your babies is a great motivator!  Hang in there!
  • I was in the hospital for 8.5 weeks (including recovery). I was online ALL DAY LONG, watched TV, visited with other patients (I was able to go for a few walks each day). Great website to fullfill your gossip need is :) If you get in good with the nurses, they'll gossip with you too...loved it! My husband borrowed seasons of Grey's Anatomy and Nip Tuck, and we had marathons. It was hard for me since it was spring/summer and it was gorgeous no one really visited on weekends :( booo....

    I could never sleep well in the hospital (especially the L&D floor), but I NOW totally understand why everyone said to rest up as much as you can NOW!?

    OH yeah! I started my blog!! Great way to keep all your family and friends (and US) updated without emailing the same thing over and over to everyone!?

  • I was on Hospital BR for 3 weeks and then at home for 6 weeks on bedrest, but it should have been MUCH longer. :(  . I too spent A LOT of time online. I watched seasons of favorite TV shows, that I either borrowed from friends or got from netfix. Became addicted to Days of our Lives AGAIN (used to watch religiously in college)....knitted, painted wall letters for the girls' room, read A LOT, and of course did some (not a lot, thankfully) of online shopping for the babies. :)  I'd recommend that you make sure that you make arrangements for people to come and visit you and often, that really really helped me a lot. GL, you can do it!
  • I am sorry! Hospital bedrest is no fun! I was in the hospital for 4 weeks. The best for me were tV shows on DVD! I watched 2 entire series on my laptop.
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  • I am sorry you are on bedrest, but glad you are in the best place you can be for you and your babies.  I was on strict bedrest at home for 6 weeks.  I think I watched every episode of every type of law and order there was.  I was on the laptop a lot, read a few books and just relaxed and reminded myself VERY often that I was doing this for the health of my babies and if I had to do it for a year I could and I would.  Not always easy, but when you think of the alternative, it really isn't so bad. 

    Like the others have said, enjoy the rest while you can  :)

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