My entire family is in town for a huge week long Christmas celebration! I only see my brother and his family and my sister and her family twice a year. Everyone is at my parents' house enjoying lots of food, gifts, and great company. However, both of my girls are very sick (oldest has a 104 degree fever for 3 days, youngest has a 103 degree fever for 8 days plus is on an antibiotic for a double ear infection). I am stuck at home with them so we don't spread this sickness to all the cousins. I have taken the girls to the doctor, but that is the extent that I've been able to get out of the house. My husband couldn't take being cooped up for so long so he is over at my families' house enjoying the company. I am at home nursing my sick children (never an easy job). However, right now they are both asleep so I just sit here with no one to talk to. I can't even call my mom or sister because they are all socializing and having fun, they don't want to stop to talk with me (besides I don't even really have anything to talk about). I'm just lonely!
Re: I'm so lonely tonight
Ditto this - it's your family, he's had his turn now you go!
Ditto. You two should take turns. After all, it is your family and he needs to suck it up.
DD #2 - 03.13