Success after IF

low beta question

I had my second beta today and it doubled which my RE said was good, but it is only 30. ?The first one was 14. ?So I am feeling pretty crappy like there is no way this is viable. ?Has anyone here started out with a low beta but then ended up with a normal pregnancy?


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Re: low beta question

  • I started with lowish betas, that did not double as well, and still had a successful pregnancy. I would wait to see, but the doubling is great!
  • Hey girl - Congrats!!  If your RE tested early - you're beta will be lower (of course you know that) so that fact that it doubled is GREAT!  Keep us posted ;)
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  • It is a slow night, but there are many here that had slow betas...

    and congratulations!


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  • Ask this again like next Monday.....its so slow right now....but SOOOOO many girls on here had very low betas and ended up with healthy pregnancies.  And your RE is right doubling is awesome....hang in there I KNOW how bad the wait sucks!

    "I have four children. Two are adopted. I forget which two. -Bob Constantine

    "All for Love,' a Saviour prayed 'Abba Father have Your way. Though they know not what they do...Let the Cross draw men to You...."

  • My first beta was only 5 and two days later went up to 17. There is hope!!

    Melymel on here also had a low first beta of 13 and she was going to be finding out the sex of her baby today!!

    Congrats on your pregnancy!!!

  • I have no experience, but I wish you the best of luck.  A beta doubling sounds promising, even if it is low.  Good luck!
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