I have an old friend from high school, that I occasionally kept in contact with through Myspace. She and her husband were expecting their first children, twin girls due Jan. 26th, but expected any day now. On Christmas Eve they were headed to her parents from his parents about 6 PM, and were hit head on by another driver trying to pass other vehicles. She and her twin girls didn't make it, and he is in a coma. The driver of the vehicle that hit them made it with injuries, but nothing major.
It just makes me sick. You know, sometimes I think I have it bad.. then you hear things like this and it puts it all in perspective. I have a healthy happy little boy, a husband who drives me crazy but I love and wouldn't trade for the world. My heart just hurts for her family. I heard about it yesterday, and I can't get it off my mind. I just cannot imagine what her family is going through, and then to think her husband may wake up from his coma finding out his wife and babies are dead. Sorry to be a Debby downer.. I just had to vent a bit
Hope everyone is having a great Holiday, cherish every moment of it!
Re: Sad.. but I need to share and tell someone..
now that I have DS I get so nervous driving, then when he's at MIL's for the night an dDH and i go out I feel like crap b/c we still haven't done a will
I wish people would just calm down on the roads and pretend they care about other people.
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