
Spent $51 at Gymbo today on 10 different things/outfits

for MJ.  A couple of things were just tops, but most everything came with bloomers or pants.  I am so excited.  This little chickie has more clothes than she will ever wear. 

Re: Spent $51 at Gymbo today on 10 different things/outfits

  • Isn't it fun shopping for girls clothes?
  • I take it there are better deals in-store than online? I have a GC and might have to stop in there tonight or tomorrow.?
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  • DM- Yes, especially for 0-3 and 3-6 months.  They had some bins at the front of the store that I dug through.  It is all summery type stuff, which works out perfectly for me.  They did have the cherry line and daisy stuff on super sale too.  That was for bigger girls.  I got MJ this pastel plaid dress with little bloomers for $4.99 down from $32.50.  Can't beat that, right? 
  • I was there too!  I got Giada 2 dresses for summer (reg 38 each for 7.00, 3 pairs of socks for .47 each, shorts for 3.50 and a winter outfit.  I hit the jackpot too!  I think I am going back for my bff's daughter who is due in April to get some summer deals for her! 
  • How fun! You are going to love having a little girl :)
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