
PIP: My girls loved their new kitchen!

The kitchen was a huge hit.  I also have to rave about the felt food that we got from etsy seller littlelovebug.  It is really well made and my girls have been playing with it all day. (There is no felt food in these pics but I will post some later.)

Re: PIP: My girls loved their new kitchen!

  • That's wonderful!  And those are adorable pics.

    DS got a little kitchen yesterday and spent most of the evening baking a "pumpkin pie".  I was so relieved that he liked it.

  • Love the kitchen! Where is it from? Great pics!!
    *Corrina born August 30, 2006* *Kaya born August 6, 2009* brimageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • It's from Pottery Barn Kids.  My IL's were very generous this year.  It seems like it's going to hold up for a good long time!
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