DH and I have a few names we are tossing around. We are expecting a boy and had decided if it was a boy we would go with something Irish or Gaelic. The names we are considering so far are:
Cole (worried it is getting too common)
Cillian (A little too unusual?)
Any thoughts on these or suggestions? We can't decide or come up with any other names! TIA ladies!
Re: Need name help!
Of all your names Cilliam sounds the most "Irish".
DH also wants to use an Irish name if it's a boy. He suggested Patrick or Conor. We were talking about it and came up with Padraic, which I'm liking better than Patrick.
Cole, Griffin and Gavin are cute.
Cillian sounds like an anatomy term for hair or something... but maybe that is just how it sounds in my head. How do you pronounce it?