Definitely not my style. You took a word, and made it into a name (or so how it appears to me). Also, my friend has a dog named Boston....I think if him, and the city when I see the word.
Definitely not my style. You took a word, and made it into a name (or so how it appears to me). Also, my friend has a dog named Boston....I think if him, and the city when I see the word.
Well, I love Emily - one of my girls is named Emily - but I'm not really liking Bostyn - not my style. Don't know if it's b/c I live there or b/c it is very nontraditional. It would be cool if there was a story behind it - like you and your husband met there....
I think it would be fine spelled at Boston. Could you give us a little background on why you want it spelled Bostyn? Boston is an uncommon enough name and I think using an alternative spelling brings it from uncommon and interesting into a joke.
PLEASE think about how this will look on a resume in 25 years. She will NEVER be taken seriously. Can you honestly imagine hiring a lawyer named Bostyn? Boston is bad to begin with (and if it's a name, it's for a boy), and then you turn it into an a$$-spelling with a y. Don't do this to your daughter.
(And you probably shouldn't be asking if you don't really want to hear the answers.)
Please think of a ?professional woman named "Bostyn". You can't picture it? Neither can I. It screams "my mom and dad wanted to make up a name with a 'y' in it to be trendy in 2009".?
It sounds too masculine to me. Just like Soleil Moonfrye named her 2nd DD Jagger because she wanted her to have a unisex name. I have no clue how either of those names could possibly be unisex.
Dee Dee
DS Elijah Xin 3/11/05
DD Evangeline Mei 8/24/06
PLEASE think about how this will look on a resume in 25 years. She will NEVER be taken seriously. Can you honestly imagine hiring a lawyer named Bostyn? Boston is bad to begin with (and if it's a name, it's for a boy), and then you turn it into an a$$-spelling with a y. Don't do this to your daughter.
(And you probably shouldn't be asking if you don't really want to hear the answers.)
Boston is a boys name, if it is a very good name at all. But, for you to spell it like that to make it a girls name is terrible. It looks really ugly that way.
TTC #1 for over 5 years - too many to count IF treatments (tried everything and anything), repeat miscarriages.
Finally, Sticky Success!! B/G Twins arrived 2011.
Re: What do you think of the name...
a joke yes?
The people of Boston are collectively wailing and nashing their teeth at the thought of your UNEEK spelling of their fair city.
Why not St. Louisa? Keep your crazy close to home, I always say..
Actually, Im serious.....
Definitely not my style. You took a word, and made it into a name (or so how it appears to me). Also, my friend has a dog named Boston....I think if him, and the city when I see the word.
Boston is a boy's name. It's a "real" name.
As I am from New England, I like the actual spelling "Boston," I'm not a fan of random y's....
I think of it as a boys name though.
Is Boston a special place to you for some reason? ?Did you meet your DH there? ?Because I guarantee every conversation is going to go like this:
"What's your/her name?"
"Yes, like the city."
"Oh, are you from there or something?"
Then cue the explanation, which won't go well if the answer is "My mom just liked the name." ?People will not be satisfied and it will be a pain.?
I had a friend growing up named India - she finally started telling people her parents put a map on a dartboard to decide on her name.
If she's already got to explain her name to everybody, don't make her tell them how to spell it too. ?Go with the actual city spelling.
PLEASE think about how this will look on a resume in 25 years. She will NEVER be taken seriously. Can you honestly imagine hiring a lawyer named Bostyn? Boston is bad to begin with (and if it's a name, it's for a boy), and then you turn it into an a$$-spelling with a y. Don't do this to your daughter.
(And you probably shouldn't be asking if you don't really want to hear the answers.)
It sounds too masculine to me. Just like Soleil Moonfrye named her 2nd DD Jagger because she wanted her to have a unisex name. I have no clue how either of those names could possibly be unisex.
Random y's make me want to gouge my eyes out. The name isn't bad, the spelling is.
I would get so pissed off when people asked me if we were going to spell our son's name "Myles". Uh, no. We're going to spell it normally, thanks.
for a girl, I think it is absolutely awful!
Boston is a boys name, if it is a very good name at all. But, for you to spell it like that to make it a girls name is terrible. It looks really ugly that way.
Emily is pretty though.
I like Boston for a boy even though its NMS.