
Any regrets after buying City Mini stroller?

After reading a lot of reviews, I am leaning toward the Baby Jogger city mini double stroller.  I have a hard time imagining spending more than $400 on a stroller, so that one is in my price range and seems to be lightweight, narrow to fit through door ways, and good features for the kids and Mom. 

If you have it, do you miss not having trays in front of the kids for snacks, etc?

Re: Any regrets after buying City Mini stroller?

  • I don't have it but have seen a LOT of really good comments about it on here and other sites.  The thing keeping me from getting it is that the wheels are not bigger... I prefer a stroller with large air-filled tires- like the Phil & Teds I have - b/c it goes over large sidewalk bumps, tree roots, etc - really easily.

    None of the higher end strollers have a snack tray.  We have one that we attach when needed- but rarely even need it.  Don't miss it at all.

    you can buy ones that attach (for you and DCs).

  • I have a City Mini, and I love it for the most part. It handles GREAT and it fits through all doorways because it is narrower than the wheelchair width specified in the Americans With Disabilities Act.

     However, I do have 2 complaints: 

    1. The basket underneath is a good size, but the opening to it is small. So you can't get big things into it, like a package of diapers or a twin sized diaper bag.

    2. Latching it when it's folded is just plain wierd and doesn't work too well. 

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  • This one is at the top of my list as well. I really like this stroller. But, we have decided to hold off on getting it (or any other more "advanced" stroller) until they are a few months old, for a couple of reasons. One, new designs come out constantly so you never know what will be available in a few months time, and two, by then we will have a better idea of their and our wants and needs in a stroller.

    For now, we just got a Double Snap-n-Go, which is inexpensive and will work well for the first couple of months. 

  • I have this stroller but haven't used it too much (just to test drive with my older son who LOVES it) since the twins arent' here yet.  So far my only complaint is like PP said about the folding/locking mechanism.  Folding is easy, keeping it locked up is not so easy.  I'm still not even really sure how to keep it locked up.  But it handles like a dream, the canopies are fab, the steering is effortless, and it looks great.  I'm pleased with my purchase!
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