
I'm a MOMMY!!!

We had our regular OB appointment yesterday.  I was 3cm dilated and 100% effaced.  The doctor said baby boy had low blood flow in his umbilical cord at our US on Friday.  He said since I was having contractions I should go right over to our Family Birthing Center to monitor both babies. 

We went over to the FBC and they monitored them and decided we needed another ultrasound.  The ultrasound showed about the same as it did on Friday.  My OB decided we would not take any risks and deliver them right away.  SO, right around 9:00 both babies were born.  Aubrey weighted 6lbs 1oz and baby boy was a wee 4lbs 9ozs.  Jaxon was taken to the NICU immediately due to the cord blood issues.  

Jaxon will remain in the NICU for monitoring and to watch his blood sugar levels, Aubrey is doing great!  We will be in the hospital until Friday (most-likely).  They want to watch Jaxon in the NICU for at least another 24 hours.

My c-section was uneventful and I have not had any pain issues.  I did get very sick because of the spinal, which is totally normal for me, I get sick with any pain meds or anesthesia.  I have not had any pain and have just been taking Motrin. 

I am SO excited for you girls with upcoming births being a mommy is better than I ever imagined!  And to you ladies that had babies in the NICU, I don't know how you did it, it is very hard not to have both babies next to you.

The babies (Aubrey in green and Jaxon in red) in their stylin' hats made by the volunteers at our hospital.


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