
Does everything in your area close early today??

Everything around here is closing at 6..which sucks because I have to go to the groceries (walmart is also closing at 6)...


Re: Does everything in your area close early today??

  • Yeah. I think most things here are closing by 7pm. I went out this morning and spent wayyyyyy too much time trying to get through Publix and Walmart. Go now and get it over with.
  • Yep, I'm pretty sure it closes at 6 or 7.
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  • yep, it seems like everything is closing between 5 and 7 pm.  Better get out there now!  I went out this morning and it wasn't too bad yet.  I think a lot of people are already celebrating or travelling.
  • everything around here closes by 6 i think. i dont know i wont be going to the store. i work till 430 then going to my moms. we went to get grocerys this morning at 7 am before i came to work.
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