But yet here it is, 12 days old and I am already calling the doctor! Actually at this point DS was already to the doctor b/c of his cord looking *** so maybe I am doing well, lol. DD's poop has been mucousy since yesterday and it is starting to freak me out...and the last time I checked her diaper it was dry. She's just so tiiny, only 6lbs 14oz at birth and 6lbs 10oz last Friday. She also spit up a few times yesterday and one of them was pretty forceful and since DS was never a spitter it freaks me out. She took a TON of formula yesterday though so I am pretty sure she made up for what she spit up. The doctor said he is not concerned at this point but to keep an eye on her b/c as she eats more it can show if there is an issue with her tolerating the food...she's on Good Start and I really don't want to switch to soy or Alimentium.
Re: Ugh, I thought I would worry less with #2
Kiwi Fruit, 10.2.06 & Ellie Bug, 4.5.09
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