
Ugh, I thought I would worry less with #2

But yet here it is, 12 days old and I am already calling the doctor!  Actually at this point DS was already to the doctor b/c of his cord looking *** so maybe I am doing well, lol.  DD's poop has been mucousy since yesterday and it is starting to freak me out...and the last time I checked her diaper it was dry.  She's just so tiiny, only 6lbs 14oz at birth and 6lbs 10oz last Friday.  She also spit up a few times yesterday and one of them was pretty forceful and since DS was never a spitter it freaks me out.  She took a TON of formula yesterday though so I am pretty sure she made up for what she spit up.  The doctor said he is not concerned at this point but to keep an eye on her b/c as she eats more it can show if there is an issue with her tolerating the food...she's on Good Start and I really don't want to switch to soy or Alimentium.

Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08

Re: Ugh, I thought I would worry less with #2

  • I'm sure I'll be the same way!  I hope I remember to enjoy the newborn stage more with this one than I did with DD, though--I worried her babyhood away!  Hope your little one is A-OK!
  • No, you still worry! ? I remember positing when N was a baby that I couldn't believe I checked him (a lot) to make sure he was still breathing : )?

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  • Our pedi always tells me that's what she is there for.  I'm sure i will be the same with #2 as I was with #1. Hang in there i'm sure she'll be just fine.
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  • I have found that you worry about different things with #2.  Some of the basics that were simple 1st time mom things you won't worry about as much but you will worry about different things.  On the spitting up note. my older DD never spit and never wore bibs.  My now 9 month old has reflux and I swear, lived in a bib until close to 9 months of age.  It is not fun, reflux - watch out for the spit ups.  Reflux tends to start at around 2 weeks of age.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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