We couldn't get in until end of February but I'm very excited. DS was born at 33 weeks following sudden and severe onset of pre-e. We won't TTC #2 for at least another year but I wanted to get in to test for underlying disorders and hopefully develop a plan to reduce the changes I get pre-e or get it as early or as severe. Has anyone else met with a perinatologist yet? I'd like to come armed with some suggestions for plans since I'm afraid he'll say - we don't know how to prevent it - yada yada yada. I'd like to say we'll do you think there's any harm in taking - baby asprin, extra folic acid, extra Vitamin C or D, extra calcuim, getting down to a lower weight (I'm still 10 lb above pre-pregnancy weight) etc. Would love to hear what you or you and your docs have decided to do to combat this evil disease in a subsequent pregnancy. TIA!
Re: Made appnt to see Peri/MFM following pre-eclampsia
I could have written this post. We see our MFM next Tuesday. I will let you know how to apt goes. Our story is exactly the SAME! Delivered at 33 weeks after severe onset of pre-e. I too am also 15 lbs over pre-preg weight.
It should be interesting, but I want to control everything that I can with this next pregnany.
Katie: 1/16/08 2lbs. 15oz.
Abby & Emily: 12/31/10 6lbs. 2oz. & 5lbs. 7oz.
I haven't started thinking about #2 too yet, but I understand you wanting to do everything you can to reach term next pregnancy, or at least makes the odds as good as possible. Let us know how the appointment goes!