What is your heating bill??
We're in Michigan and ours was $350 last month. That seems really high to me. I keep trying to tell DH we need to weather proof our house better, but he insists there's not much we can do, short of ripping out the crappy builder's grade windows and dropping thousands on replacement windows. ?
Re: If your home is about 2500-3000 sq feet...
$134 last month- highest ever $203
We have a 2800 sq ft home built in 2007. We live in MN, our bill this month was $144. Jan/Feb the bill is usually around $175. Our windows are not the best and we have two very large windows on the north side of the house which get really drafty if there is any type of wind. We use that plastice stuff to seal them in the winter time. We have to get the type for a sliding door since the windos are so big so it ends up being $15 or so for each of those 2 windows. The regular size is around $5 or so. I think next winter we are going to seal all the windows and see if that make a difference.
We keep the main floor and the second floor at 68 degrees in the winter during the day and 64 at night. The basement (dual zone heating) is set at 55 degrees unless we are having people over and we are going to be down there, otherwise we only hang out in the basement in the summertime.
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
I live in NH and have oil heat. 2200 sqr ft house.
in the middle of winter last year 275. Summer- with AC on 200. fall/spring we can get it down to 100.
that is just our electric bill. We then pay 400 in oil about every 4-5 weeks.
we have drafty windows. we put the tape things at the bottom of the windows. and we close shades a lot. we need to invest in those sealants on the windows to help the bill.
also we have no attic, our bedroom is lofted. So we have very little insulation between the roof and the house.