Yes, I have held out for almost 20 weeks without telling DH's family we're having twins (just told my family a couple weeks ago). They all live near us, but we wanted to keep it a surprise, so not only are we going to tell them we're having twins, but also that we are having boys!! They will be so excited!!!
Merry Christmas to all!
Re: Telling family we're having twins tomorrow!
wow- you can really keep a secret!
I called my parents the day we found out it was twins- and also told my sister and her family that day - couldn't keep it a secret.
i only kept it from my grandmother and brother's family- b/c we don't see them often so it was easier to hide.... we told them on thanksgiving.
have fun telling- what a great "present!"
Hi Jem!
Wow, I can't believe either: that you have kept the secret this long and that you are almost 20 weeks! Congratulations! Enjoy it, because time really starts flying now.
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
Aw! Let us know their reaction!!!
When did you find out? I couldn't keep that kind of secret for so long - I was speed dialing on my cell in the parking lot!
Baby #3 due September 12, 2014!