Well, we have had problems with fingerprints for over one month now. DH's already been printed twice, when we adopted Jesse and again with Jon. Now we are taking the foster to adopt route and had to be printed again. The machine is new and kicked back his prints twice, along with five other families prints. Mine went through. So two weeks ago we had to send in the information for a normal check. We were told we would ge the results in exactly two weeks. It was two weeks yesterday. Our social worker said she would call either yesterday or today. I have not heard from her yet. Her office went straight to voice mail. We have been in the "waiting mode" for over one month, nearly two now. Please get the prints back and approve us. We are approved once they get the prints. I know they are going to come back fine and dandy. Everyone does. this is just a formality that is taking forever
Re: All they need are the fingerprint results- still