Success after IF

xp: Update on my beta levels, so confused!

Ok, so my beta#1=22, beta#2=31.7, beta#3=51.8, beta#4=124, and I just got beta#5=273.4. The last two have doubled appropriately but I'm about 23dpo and I'm thinking they should be a lot higher by now. RE says you never know and wants me to come in for another beta on Friday 12/26. They say as soon as i reach 1000, they will schedule an ultrasound. I just don't know how to feel at this point, its so stressful not to know either way. I'm just going to keep saying my prayers and hoping that this will turn out ok. Any opinions or similar experiences? TIA
After almost 5 years of ttc, 2 miscarriages, one lost tube and IVF, we were blessed with an amazing little boy!! Pregnancy Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker imageimageimage

Re: xp: Update on my beta levels, so confused!

  • Mine were never very high.  I wouldnt worry.
  • I hope that things turn out differently for you.  There are a tons of positive low beta successes out there, but mine did not go so well.  My betas were similar (started at 16 and then doubled appropriately until 800) but it was diagnosed ectopic around that time and I had a shot of methotrexate to dissolve the pregnancy.  So sorry that you are in beta hell, but fingers crossed for your miracle.  GL GL GL!!!
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  • I'm sorry you're dealing with this. I have seen stories like this go either way. Sometimes, betas can be weird if you lose a twin or something, too. My betas were so messed up with my first twins that they told me I was miscarrying and sent me to the hospital for a D&C. They did an u/s there to confirm and found two sacs, and what looked like a spot where one had been but was now passing, but said only one was viable. Then I went back a week later and one had a h/b and the other didn't, so they told me one would vanish. This went on for weeks, and now my twins are 8 yrs old. So, you never really know, and definitely not from weird betas alone.
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