
I hate Toys R Us.

I ordered a crap ton of stuff from them...

I received everything that I problem... the problem is that 5 Little People sets that I ordered and paid the extra to have them shipped to go out to other people (3 of which were for charity giving) are sitting at my front door.

They delivered all of them to my house.

Then 3 weeks ago MIL ordered the kids gifts and had them shipped to the house. Well they said 5-7 business days 3 weeks ago... here we are and they finally delivered 1 of 5 gifts that she purchased and there isn't anything I can do about it. These were all from the same company. They said the items have been shipped and I am just awaiting them to email my tracking #'s.

I will never by from Toys R us again.

Re: I hate Toys R Us.

  • That does suck, but still may be better than having to actually GO to Toys r us.  I drove by on my way to work at 7:00 and the parking lot was already jam packed. 
  • Ooh, I'm so glad I didn't do this. I almost placed and order for toys to go to my girlfriend's house but decided against it! From your experience, they'd probably be on MY doorstep right now.
    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
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