
This new obsession will be the death of me.

DD has suddenly decided her pants cannot touch/cover her shoes. Ever.

She freaks out. This is new, totally out of the blue, and causes a situation every single time we go out.

Anyone else ever deal with this? I am trying to sort out what the problem is. H and I have showed her how ours do the same thing, tried to tell her that her legs will be cold if she pulls her pants up, that we'll fix it after we're in the car/out of the car/etc (hoping she'll forget).



Re: This new obsession will be the death of me.

  • Oh my - It's crazy the things they come up with, isn't it?  DS has some strange little obsessions as well.

    Can you put her in tights and skirts/dresses for the time being?  That way she's not flipping out every time she gets dressed. 


  • image*sparky*:

    Oh my - It's crazy the things they come up with, isn't it?  DS has some strange little obsessions as well.

    Can you put her in tights and skirts/dresses for the time being?  That way she's not flipping out every time she gets dressed. 

    I would, but it's in the negatives with wind chill. Just way too cold to be wearing a skirt or dress without pants underneath.

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  • What if you tuck the bottom of her pants into her socks (long ones).  It would look odd, but if it stops the screaming I would let mine wear just about anything.
  • I don't know what the solution is, but we literally do battle with my son over shoes and socks.  He always screams that they're "too tight" even before we put them on his feet!  It's just his thing.  The ONLY way to reason with him to get him to keep them on is to tell him that he can't go outside or to wherever we're going without wearing them.  Sorta like, "No shoes, no socks, no service!"  Otherwise, he's peeling them off as soon as he gets a chance!  I remember when I was a kid I would scream and cry when the seam on my socks even remotely touched the ends of my toes.  It's a kid thing!  Hopefully they'll get over it soon!
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  • Sorry - I missed the fact that you're in Maine.  Definitely too cold for dresses in the winter time.  Bug Mommy's idea is a good one, or get her some boots that she can tuck her pants into.  And then just hope she stops obsessing about this soon!


  • We still do dresses with tights.  I just put a pair of baby legs over the tights.  Then if you put on winter boots, that should keep her pretty warm. 
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
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