
Started my New Year Resolution Early (as in today).

My resolution is to do more for myself. So I started today by driving into work. I've been sick with a bad cold, had tons of stuff to carry, and wanted to get some extra stuff done at work. I shaved 30 minutes off my commute, was nice and toasty in my car and got to listen to my music as loud as I wanted.  All for just $15!
Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)

Re: Started my New Year Resolution Early (as in today).

  • That's great - but how do you normally get to work?  Why does it cost you $15?!  I need to start my New Years resolution - but it's the same as everyone else's for the first time...I'm joining the YMCA and starting to work off all the baby weight I gained in the last 2 years of making babies.
    Jack 3.5.07 / Ethan 9.17.08 / Lauren 4.3.11 image
  • wow, that's awesome! 30 minutes each way? I would totally drive then!

    i started my NY resolution today too - weight loss, what else is new.

    The other thing I should do is get off the internet and concentrate on work. Not sure if that can be accomplished though :)

    Hope you feel better!!!!!!

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  • UGA - it normally costs me $6/day to park/ride the train. Since I drove it costs me $21/day + a little gas but I wouldn't even count that right now, so really it only was $15 more for me to drive today. Over a month that adds up but for a once in a while treat it was well worth it!

    Lana - it only takes me 15 minutes door to door to drive considering that I get here before the rush hour traffic hits. To take the train it's 45 minutes door to door. So I saved 30 minutes! Are you back to work today? How are the kids? Was it J or E that was coughing the other night?

    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • That is great! You deserve a little alone car time!

    by the way.. your DD's hair is beautiful... she is too..

  • Thanks pin! Thankfully she has some nice natural highlights that hide the mess of a job that I do when styling it.
    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • oops - I mean PlainyJane!
    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • Mia is so cute and silly :) what a cute picture!

     ahhh, it was Ethan coughing... now it's me :) we can't get away. he's ok now, maybe it was just from the plane and change in temps and swimming too much on the last day.

    How are you feeling now?

  • Not as tired, not coughing as much, but I feel really congested again like I did when this all started. CAKE BALLS! I hate being sick during the holidays!

    I hope you're feeling better soon and am glad Ethan's cough was short lived. Planes are such germ parties.

    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • ha. it is going back to pincushion. I forgot to follow the directions to update it!!
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