dd had a cough for a few weeks which seemed to go away for about a week but now as of yesterday is back. It seems any time she goes to the in-laws she comes back and has a cough for a week or so. her cough seems worse at night. it varies from dry to phlegmy sounding and tonight it was squeeky a few times. she seems to be breathing normal. at what point should we be worried about her cough? is it more likely just another cold or could it be an allergy to something (cats, fire place smoke at the in-laws, other)? I don't want to be paranoid mom and call or go to the doc for every little thing but I don't want to overlook anything either. and it seems anytime we call the doc they just have us come in. she already is scheduled to go in on the 29th for her 18 month appt.
Re: when to be concerned about a cough?
When my DD gets a cough along with a cold it lasts for.ev.er. It usually is worse at night and gets better an hour or so after she wakes up.
It is strange that it's worse after the in-laws house. . . has it always been bad there? It is cold season, so I wouldn't want to jump to any conclusions. I'd wait for her appointment.